Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Creative Word #5: Daboobadju (Black and White)

Daboobadju, black and white line work completed in Illustrator. 
Now it is time to focus on color.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Creative Word #5: Daboobadju

Jaime's word, Daboobadju, is the name of a magical totem that is a statue by day and a living creature by night. Legend has it that Daboobadju visits villages throughout the night softly beating his drum to chase evil spirits away.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Creative Word #4: Noxmunk

The Noxmunk is a mysterious critter that is thought to be a distant relative of the chipmunk, chinchilla and skunk. (In make believe land anything is possible!) They are considered to be very lucky and are extremely soft. Also, Noxmunks do not stink, they just have a very long fluffy tail that closely resembles the tail of a skunk. When it is chilly outside they wrap themselves up in their tails to keep warm. How adorable!

Noxmunk is Ashley's word. I've included the initial thumbnail sketch in the top left to show the development from idea to the final rough drawing. The next step is to finalize this little critter in Adobe Illustrator. Stay tuned. ^_^

I used to call these drawings "silly word doodles"... but they have been so many things and not all of them have been silly. So I am changing the word "silly" to "creative". I'm also changing "doodles" to "illustrations" since they start with a doodle and finish with a completed illustration.